How does Rezoom work?

Rezoom uses (and gets its name from) something called a resumption monad.

Facebook's Haxl uses the same concept, but is geared more towards reading data, while Rezoom is designed to work well with code that updates and creates data, too. Also, Haxl is for the few people who use Haskell, while Rezoom could potentially be used by dozens of F# developers.

The quick version

A Rezoom Plan can be one of two things:

  • A completed result.

  • A set of Errands that need to be executed and a function that takes their results and returns the next Plan to execute.

An Errand is generally some latency-inducing work needing to be done, such as a SQL command. Errands can be combined to execute in a single batch.

Execution is achieved by executing any pending errands and stepping to the next plan until reaching a completed result.

Batching is achieved by making a new plan which combines the pending errands of its sub-plans at each step.

Caching is achieved by given each errand an ID and keeping a dictionary of results by errand ID.

Cache invalidation is achieved by giving each errand a category ID, dependency bitmask, and invalidation bitmask. When an errand runs, all errands with the same category ID whose dependency bitmasks overlapped with the executed errand's invalidation bitmask (i.e. b1 &&& b2 <> 0) are purged from the cache.

A worked example

Here's a minimal version of the Plan type called TrivialPlan. To keep things simple, TrivialPlan is specialized to only work with SQL queries.

// For this example, our queries are just SQL strings
type Query = string

// ... and our query results are sequences of untyped rows (obj arrays).
type QueryResponse = array<obj> seq

// A plan can that will eventually yield a result of type 'a can be one of two things:
type TrivialPlan<'a> =
    // Either it's already completed and carries a result...
    | Done of result : 'a
    // Or it's paused, waiting for a round-trip to run.
    | Pending of RoundTrip<'a>

    // In the latter case we have two things:
and RoundTrip<'a> =
    {   // The queries to run in the round-trip...
        Queries : Query array
        // And a function to get the next step in the plan, once we have the responses to our queries.
        Resume : QueryResponse array -> TrivialPlan<'a>

You can probably imagine how you might write a function to execute a plan like this. Assuming you have a library function to run SQL queries in a batch, it's tiny:

let rec exec (plan : 'a TrivialPlan) =
    match plan with
    | Done x -> x
    | Pending trip ->
        let responses = runBatchOfQueries trip.Queries
        exec (trip.Resume responses)

As an optimization you could add a cache for queries, so you don't run the same one more than once.

let rec execWithCache (cache : IDictionary<Query, QueryResult>) (plan : 'a TrivialPlan) =
    match plan with
    | Done x -> x
    | Pending trip ->
        let pending = trip.Queries |> Array.filter (not << cache.ContainsKey)
        let responses = runBatchOfQueries pending |> Pending
        for query, response in responses do
            cache.[query] <- response
        let allResponses = trip.Queries |> (fun q -> cache.[q])
        execWithCache cache (trip.Resume allResponses)

Ok, so that covers how plan execution and caching could work.

In Rezoom, it's a little fancier. Commands can specify that they aren't cacheable or even that running them will invalidate the cached results of other commands. But the basic idea is there.

Now, how could you write the TrivialPlans to feed into your exec function? Well, it's easy to write one that just returns a value:

let ret (value : 'a) : 'a TrivialPlan = Done value

How about one that wraps a query?

let query (sql : Query) : QueryResult TrivialPlan =
    {   // We just have the one query to run.
        Queries = [| sql |]
        // Given our expected single query result, say we don't have a next step and we're done here.
        Resume = fun [| result |] -> Done result
    } |> Pending

To write real code though, we need to run multiple queries. We can sequence together actions by "binding" the result of one plan as the input to generate the next plan.

let rec bind (first : 'a TrivialPlan) (next : 'a -> 'b TrivialPlan) =
    match first with
    // If the first plan is done, we can use its result to move onto the next.
    | Done x -> next x
    // Otherwise, we have to wrap the first plan's pending step, so that upon resuming execution,
    // we can check again to possibly proceed to the next step.
    | Pending step ->
        {   Queries = step.Queries
            Resume = fun responses -> bind (step.Resume responses) next
        } |> Pending

Now we can write fancy business logic like this:

bind (query "select * from Users where Id = 1")
    (fun users ->
        bind (query "select * from Groups where Id = 1")
            (fun groups ->
                printfn "Users: %A; Groups: %A" users groups
                ret (users, groups)

This ugly chain of nested functions is roughly what F# computation expressions translate to. This means we could rewrite the above like so -- much more readable!

trivialplan {
    let! users = query "select * from Users where Id = 1"
    let! groups = query "select * from Groups where Id = 1"
    printfn "Users: %A; Groups: %A" users groups
    return (users, groups)

Now, so far, we don't have a way to share round-trips between plans. However, since a plan can carry an array of queries, not just one, we can combine any two plans into one, which'll execute both side-by-side.

let rec sideBySide (a : 'a TrivialPlan) (b : 'b TrivialPlan) : ('a * 'b) TrivialPlan =
    match a, b with
    // If they're both done, tuple up the results.
    | Done gotA, Done gotB -> Done (gotA, gotB)
    // If only one is done, just keep working on the next one, but remember to
    // include the first result when the other finishes.
    | Done gotA, b -> bind b (fun gotB -> ret (gotA, gotB))
    | a, Done gotB -> bind a (fun gotA -> get (gotA, gotB))
    // If they're both pending...
    | Pending pendA, Pending pendB ->
        {   // Include the queries for both in a single round-trip.
            Queries = Array.append pendA.Queries pendB.Queries
            // When we get responses, resume both plans and keep on running them side-by-side.
            Resume =
                fun responses ->
                    let responsesA = Array.sub responses 0 pendA.Queries.Length
                    let responsesB = Array.sub pendA.Queries.Length pendB.Queries.Length
                    sideBySide (pendA.Resume responsesA) (pendB.Resume responsesB)
        } |> Pending

Notice that if the two plans have multiple steps, they'll take turns stepping forward, so the code of the second one will be executing interleaved with the code of the first one. This means this approach is only suitable when the two plans don't need to be run in any particular order.

With Rezoom, something like the above is used when you bind two variables at the same time, like in let! x, y = getX, getY.

Everything gets more complicated in real life because we also have to support user-defined exception handlers, finally blocks, loops, and beyond. But the simplified plan functions described here are close enough to use as a mental model. Most importantly, they take the magic out of plan blocks and help you understand what they're capable of.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""