Data Types

Currently RZSQL supports the following data types. These are the types you can use for columns in CREATE TABLE statements, in CAST expressions, and the like.

RZSQL type .NET type SQLite type TSQL type
string(n) System.String varchar nvarchar(n)
string System.String varchar nvarchar(max)
binary(n) System.Byte[] blob varbinary(n)
binary System.Byte[] blob varbinary(max)
guid System.Guid blob uniqueidentifier
bool System.Boolean integer bit
int, int32 System.Int32 integer int
int16 System.Int16 integer smallint
int64 System.Int64 integer bigint
float32 System.Single float float(24)
float, float64 System.Double float float(53)
decimal System.Decimal N/A numeric(38, 19)
datetime System.DateTime N/A datetime2
datetimeoffset System.DateTimeOffset N/A datetimeoffset

The syntax to use when a type name is expected is obvious enough from the first column in the above table, but is also documented in the following railroad diagram:



How types are inferred

RZSQL types are organized in a hierarchy in order to permit things like adding an int64 to an int32. When the typechecker encounters an expression such as a > b, the types of a and b are "unified". This results in an error unless a and b have the same types or one is an ancestor of the other's type.

A type variable such as @x may be unified with types in many places. The most specific type always wins, so in the expression @x >= someInt32 and @x < someInt16, @x is inferred to have type int32, because it is lower in the type hierarchy than int16.

Here is the current type hierarchy. Notice that there are some types in the hierarchy that do not appear in the above table. These exist just as constraints so that we can model functions like TSQL's datalength, which works on both binary and string types. It is not possible to reference them in your own RZSQL code, such as in CAST expressions.

type hierarchy

How nullability is inferred

RZSQL makes an effort to infer whether or not an expression's result can be null. This is important since it generates types to represent the result sets of SQL expressions, and must use an option<'a> instead of an 'a if a null might show up in the corresponding column.

Most expressions (like a * b) are assumed to be potentially null if either of their inputs are potentially null. When an expression uses a function, the nullability depends on the function. For example, in TSQL, the power(base, power) function has "infectious" arguments in that if either of them is nullable, the output is inferred to be nullable. However, the coalesce function's output is only nullable if its last argument is nullable.

When a query is parameterized, RZSQL must also figure out which parameters should be nullable. To this end, it assumes some expressions must be nullable.

In particular, expressions on both sides of the IS and IS NOT operators are assumed to be nullable, because there is no point in using those operators over = and <> other than for their behavior in the presence of nulls.

This means that if you write a query like this, @name will be inferred non-nullable:

select * from Users where Name = @name

But if you use the IS operator instead, like so, @name is inferred to be nullable, so you'll have to pass None or Some "name" to the query.

select * from Users where Name is @name

Some function arguments are also assumed to be nullable. All arguments but the last to the coalesce function are assumed nullable. This also applies to some backend-specific functions, like the SQLite ifnull function.

Finally, any expression inserted into a nullable table column is assumed to be nullable.

Nullability inference on left joins

All columns in a table on the right side of a left join are nullable. This is because when the join does not match any rows in the right-hand table, the result set will contain a row of all NULLs.

However, this is a special kind of nullability which you can ignore when consuming a result set in your program by using navigation properties.

Nullability inference on more complex expressions

What follows is intended to satisfy curious readers -- most queries do not exercise this corner of the typechecker.

When an expression is assumed to be nullable, for example, because it appears on either side of an IS operator, the effect varies depending on how that constraint could be satisfied.

In the simplest case, as seen above, the expression is a parameter, like @name, so the typechecker simply concludes that the parameter must be nullable.

This also works for somewhat more complex expressions. For example, it could be a binary operation like @count + 1, or even a scalar sub-query, like (select @name as n). In both these cases. the typechecker concludes that the whole subquery's result is nullable if-and-only-if the parameter in question is nullable, so again, it makes the parameter's type nullable to satisfy the constraint.

What about expressions involving multiple parameters? Consider this query:

select 1 as col where 1 is @x + @y

In SQL, the expression @x + @y is nullable if-and-only-if @x OR @y is nullable. This is precisely how the typechecker models the nullability of the expression. Forcing it to be nullable could be satisfied by making either parameter nullable, but in the absence of other information, the typechecker will assume both @x and @y are nullable.

However, because you may not always want both parameters to be nullable, nullability inference occurs in two stages:

  1. Expressions assumed nullable whose nullability is based on a single parameter are processed.
  2. Remaining expressions are processed.

You can use the nullable function to tell the type checker that one of the two parameters is nullable. It will pick this up in the first pass. Then, in the second pass, it will know that it does not need to make the other parameter nullable.

See this example:

select 1 as col where 1 is @x + nullable(@y)

Notice that this is an erased function, so using it has no effect on the compiled SQL code.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""