What's missing?

If you are already familiar with a SQL dialect, here are some features you may miss that are not currently supported by RZSQL.

For many of these, you can use vendor statements to trade type safety for access to your database backend's special features.

On the horizon

These features, while not currently supported, fit in well with RZSQL's design goals and would make sense to add eventually. Pull requests would of course be appreciated!

  • Support for mixing dynamic SQL into static queries, especially ORDER BY clause
  • Window functions
  • Table-valued functions
  • User-defined functions
  • Enums
  • Local variables in queries
  • Inline (at F# compile-time) views and user-defined functions
  • json and xml data types with some dynamic query operations

In my dreams

These features are considered desirable, but would be more difficult to fit into RZSQL's design. I probably won't get around to adding them unless I'm around to work on this project a long time:

  • Interpreted in-memory implementation of each DB backend, for easy unit testing
  • Linq-ish query builder using the type provider's database model
  • Statically typed (w/ schema) JSON/XML access
  • Custom data types (e.g. Postgres range types)

In my nightmares

These features will never be added. You can use vendor statements for them though!

  • General-purpose programming features (IF, WHILE, cursors)
  • Stored procedures

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