
This section is dedicated to documenting RZSQL's support for functions. Currently only scalar functions are supported, meaning they take expressions as their arguments and return a single value, not a table.

Type signatures

A function type signature is documented as:

name(arg1, arg2... argN) -> ret

arg1 through argN and ret describe the types of the function's parameters and return value. These are best explained through examples:


A value of the INT data type.


A value of any data type under the <numeric> part of the data types tree.


Same as above, but the caret indicates that if this argument is inferred to be nullable, the function's return value will also be inferred to be nullable.


The expression given for this argument will be assumed to be nullable. This can cause bind parameters to be made nullable.


A type variable. All occurences of the same type variable in the function type signature must be the exact same type. So for example, this function can take two INTs or two FLOAT64s but not one INT and one FLOAT64:

example(a, a) -> BOOL

Type variables can also be constrained to a subset of data types, like so:

<numeric> a

Finally, one of the function's parameters can possibly be repeated. The number of allowed repetitions is denoted as follows:


or with a maximum number of repetitions:


In total, a complex signature could look like this:

complex_fun(INT, a?, a^{1..3}, STRING) -> a

This function takes an int, then a nullable value of some numeric type, then between 1 and 3 values of the same numeric type, then a string.

It returns a value of the same numeric type used for its second and third (and fourth, and fifth) arguments. If the third (or fourth, or fifth) argument is inferred to be nullable, then the returned expression will also be inferred to be nullable.

Hopefully this gets the idea across well enough to decipher the actual function signatures.

Erased functions

If a function is "erased", that means that it will not appear in the SQL code translated to your backend. Its single argument will be translated and the surrounding function call removed.

For example, unsafe_coerce(123) translates to just 123.

These functions are only used for their effects on RZSQL's type inference. The above unsafe_coerce function can be used to ignore typechecking on an expression, because it permits any scalar value as its input and returns a value of any other scalar type.

Another erased function is nullable. This function simply tells the typechecker that its argument is nullable. An example of where this can be useful is in the query:

select * from Table where X is @a + @b

The usage of the is operator in this query forces its right side to be nullable. That expression, @a + @b, is nullable only if either @a or @b is nullable. Since nothing else in the query tells us which one is nullable, RZSQL will assume both are nullable.

To avoid this, you can use the nullable function on one of the bind parameters, thus explicitly satisfying the requirement that at least one is nullable.

select * from Table where X is @a + nullable(@b)

This way, only @b will be nullable.

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